This is a simple tutorial on how to add a new Community grouping to your website.

If you have any further questions or are running into issues while following these steps please email or just create a new support ticket.

Navigate to your CMS and login. You’ll find navigation on the left hand side.

  1. Click on ‘Content’.

  2. Click on ‘Groupings’.

  1. Now click on the green + icon and a dropdown will appear

  2. Click on ‘Community’ to create a new page.

  1. IMPORTANT: Give your Community a title.

  2. Then click save.

After clicking on the Save button you will be brought back to the Communities list in the CMS.

  1. Navigate to the Community you just created and click on the Green title.

  1. After re-opening your Community, scroll down until you see a ‘Photos’ section. Then click on ‘Choose File’ in order to upload an image.

  1. Find the image on your computer.

  2. Click on the ‘Open’ to add the image to your Community.

You can choose to add a caption and alt text. If you choose not to add a caption that is ok, but we highly recommend adding an alt text in order for your images to be ADA compliant.

  1. Click on the green + plus icon to add the image.

  1. After adding an image scroll down to ‘Assign Rental Units’. Then click on the ‘<select>’ dropdown list.

  1. This input can vary depending on what rental software you are using. 

(I.e. Escapia/Track) You will need to find your rental software value. (For this example I will use ‘Custom > Complex’)

  1. Then add the city/town name.

  2. After you finish filling in the information, click on the green + plus icon.

  3. If you would like to manually add units to a community you can do this by selecting the "Select Rentals" radio button.

  4. Then Check the checkbox of the units you would like displayed on the community landing page.


Now you should be able to see your new Community on your website.